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for the love of chihuahuas

Why Chimigos?

Chimigos is a collection of cool products for Chihuahua Amigos (and Amigas) - chihuahua friends, including chihuahua mums, chihuahua dads, chihuahua grandparents, chihuahua godparents, chihuahua siblings, chihuahua aunts, chihuahua uncles, chihuahua lovers, chihuahua enthusiasts... anyone who loves chis! (That's everyone, surely?!)

support a good cause

All for Mak:Mind

Chimigos was founded by designer and chi mum, Renate Kriegler. Renate is an award-winning designer born in South Africa and now living in Scotland. Having recently survived cancer, Renate is working on a project to facilitate creative peer support groups for people in recovery. She is doing a masters in Applied Arts and Social Practice to help her develop Mak:Mind with support from other creative professionals. Your Chimigos purchases help support Renate financially while she is attending university and working hard to get Mak:Mind off the ground. So you really are helping Renate to support people in recovery to support each other. How cool is that?

a match made in heaven

It had to be you

It had to be something to do with chihuahuas! Renate and her chihuahua son, Beau Bowie are inseparable. He even goes to campus with her! Beau is a very special guy. When Renate was heartbroken over the loss of her 16 year old boy Spike, she reached out to the Scottish SPCA whom she supported during the Covid-19 PPE crisis. The SSPCA very kindly entrusted her with a an adorable and cheeky little rescue chihuahua. It was a match made in heaven!

from puppy mill to modelling


Bowie is a very handsome black and white longhaired apple-head chihuahua. Not only did he inspire Renate to start Chimigos, he also features in the Chihuahuas and Diamonds collection. Look carefully.

Watch this space for more fun chihuahua products to come.

Thank you so much for your support for Chimigos, Renate, Bowie and Mak:Mind, a most worthy cause.

Chihuahuas and Diamonds